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강한 추측

2019.11.14(목), 2020학년도 수능시험일.
춥다. 그리고 미세먼지는 좋다.
추워서 미세먼지가 좋은건지, 수능시험일이라 배출을 자제한 건지.

강한 추측/ can't be

* What they said about him can't be true.
* The junk food he eats every day can't be good.
* The number you gave me can't be right.
* Lifting weights every day can't be safe.
* Not saving for the future can't be smart.
* A first-class ticket can't be cheap.
* The claims he made can't be legitimate. (타당할리 없어!)
* The Picasso I bought can't be original.

A: What they said about him (       ).
B: I guess we'll find out.

A: Lifting weights every day (       ).
B: The body needs recovery time.

A: The Picasso I bought (       ).
B: It's most likely just a print.

'영어공부 > Expressions' 카테고리의 다른 글

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