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비지니스 영어 표현

2019.11.18(월), 추움

*Big Blur

: 경제환경의 급격한 변화로 업종 간의 경계가 모호하게 되는 '경계소멸현상'. 편의점에서 점심으로 도시락을 먹거나 택배를 받을 수 있고, 통신 수단이었던 휴대폰으로 음악 청취는 물론 대중교통 이용과 금융 거래도 할 수 있는 것이 예. 이런 시대에 대비하는 키워드는 '왕성한 실험정신'.

09:10 AM 

김대리, 출근 후 복도를 지나가다 미주 지역 마케팅 담당 알렉스를 우연히 마주침. '언제 점심이나 하자'고 제안하려 함.

Alex : Hi, Deputy Kim. Long time no see. How are things, staying busy as usual?
Deputy Kim : Oh, Hi, Alex. So many things to do, so little time. I haven't seen you in a while.
Alex : Yeah, it's been a long time since we had a chance to talk.
Deputy Kim : You're right. {Let's do lunch sometime.}

10:05 AM 

부서 통합 관련한 회의 시작이 늦어짐. 평소 지나다니며 눈인사만 하던 킴벌리가 마침 근처에 앉아있음. 말을 트고 지내고 싶어서 이 기회에 '스몰 토킹'을 해보고자 함.

Deputy Kim : {These meetings never start on time.}
Kimberly : You can say that again. (그러게 말이예요)
Deputy Kim : {I've seen you around, but I don't think we've ever been formally introduced.} (얼굴은 많이 뵈었는데 서로 정식으로 인사한 적은 없었던 것 같네요.) I'm Ha Myung-Hoon from research.
Kimberly : I'm Kimberly Simpson.
Deputy Kim : Aren't you in marketing, Kimberly?
Kimberly : That's right.
Deputy Kim : I heard your department's going to hire two new people. Is that right?
Kimberly : Yes, we have new products hitting the market this fall, and we're understaffed for the promotions.

*Small Talking Tip
<Starting 말문트기> → *<Introducing 간단한 소개> → <Asking & Adding 묻고 추가하기> → **<Ending 마무리하기>

*이름을 잊었을 때는
- I seem to have forgotten your name. Could you tell me again?
And, just in case you've forgotten mine, I am Ha Myung-Hoon.

**마무리 인사 표현
- I really enjoyed our conversation.
- I hope to talk with you again later.
- See you around.

12:20 PM 

회의가 끝날 무렵 김 대리는 '궁금한 것 한두 가지를 확인'하려고 함.

Timothy : It's just a ballpark figure.
Deputy Kim : {Sorry but I didn't understand the idiomatic expression you just used.}
Timothy : Oh, 'ballpark figure' means a rough estimate. (대략적인 측정치)
Deputy Kim : I see. That's a good expression to know.
Timothy : So then, is everyone in agreement on this issue?
Deputy Kim : {Would you mind clarifying the last point?}
Timothy : No, not at all.
Deputy Kim : Thank you. I'd like make sure I understand everything you just said.

02:40 PM 

몇 주간 이어지던 협력 업체와 협상에 어려움을 겪고 있는데 상대편 담당자가 방문하여 '창의적인 대안을 모색해 보고자 함'.

Mr. Wells : I think we have a good understanding of each other's interests, so now we need some solutions here.
Deputy Kim : {Let's try to come up with some creative options. I'm sure we can find a way to expand the pie.}
Mr. Wells : Ok, let's put some ideas on the table.
Deputy Kim : Wecould brainstorm several options and go through them one by one.

04:10 PM 

해외 웹 사이트에서 신제품 개발에 필요한 몇 가지 제품 샘플을 구하고자 '고객센터에 전화를 걺'.

Deputy Kim : I'm at the New Product page on your website. {Do you have the product pictured here?}
Customer Service : You seem to be really interested in this product.
Deputy Kim : Yes, I am. I'd like to get some smples and product details. {Who would be the best person to talk to?}
Customer Service : I can help you with that.

05:50 PM 

며칠간 본사를 방문 중인 새 바이어 미셸과 미팅을 마치고 시간이 되면 저녁 식사를 같이 하려고 했으나 비행기 시간 때문에 '작별 인사를 함'.

Michelle : I didn't expect the meeting to last this long.
Deputy Kim : {Do you want to go out for some fresh air?}
Michelle : Well, my flight leaves in a few hours, so I need to hurry. Thank you for your hospitality over the past few days.
Deputy Kim : You're welcome. {I hope you have a pleasure trip back.}
Michelle : Thank you. We'll be in touch again soon.
Deputy Kim : We look forward to hearing from you.

'영어공부 > Expressions' 카테고리의 다른 글

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