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동의 2020.01.21(화), 맑음동의/ agree ~ on * I agree with you on the date for our departure. * She and I don't always agree on everything. * My parents agree with me on my decision. * The parties agree with each other on the bill. (법안) * I agree with the mechanic on how to fix my car. (정비공) * Sam agrees with Mina on where to have dinner. A: ( ) for our departure. B: I'll reserve tickets, then. (그럼 표를 예약할게)..
동시동작 2020.01.21(화), 맑음 동시동작/ ~ing * I grew up listening to the Beatles all the time. * The firefighters struggled putting out the flames. * Politicians campaigned shaking thousands of hands. * The students focused pouring over books. * Sergeant Lee continued marching down the trail. (이 병장은...) A: I grew up ( ). B: They had some great tunes. A: The firefighters ( ). B: They are truly heros. A: The bir..
일단 ~하면 2020.01.21(화), 맑음. 미세먼지/초미세먼지, 보통/나쁨 일단 ~ 하면/ once you ~, you * Once you say yes, you can't take it back. * Once you stop learning , you start dying. * Once you get familiar, you can do very well. * Once you start cooking, you feel healthier. * Once you hear her sing, you fall in love. * Once you buy a car, you pay a lot of bills. * Once you have a child, you change your whole life. * Once you g..
상황 판단 2019.11.22(금) 상황 판단/ depend on ~ * The meaning of success depends on who you ask. * Your future depends on what you do right now. * The outcome depends on several factors. * Her answer depends on what her parents say. * The election depends on news and propaganda. (선전) * Dinner depends on who's got kitchen duty. * Treatment depends on your illness severity. * The verdict depends on the thoughts ..
시간상 순서. 좌절감 2019.11.19(화), 추위 KISS ENGLISH Keep in short & simple 1. 시간상 순서/ before ~ing * Think it over before answering my question. * Talk with your lawyer before signing the contract. * Search the Net before posting an article. * Look both ways before crossing the street. * Call me before leaving the house. * Review your paper before turning it in. * Get permission before borrowing that. * I need a perm..
비지니스 영어 표현 2019.11.18(월), 추움 *Big Blur : 경제환경의 급격한 변화로 업종 간의 경계가 모호하게 되는 '경계소멸현상'. 편의점에서 점심으로 도시락을 먹거나 택배를 받을 수 있고, 통신 수단이었던 휴대폰으로 음악 청취는 물론 대중교통 이용과 금융 거래도 할 수 있는 것이 예. 이런 시대에 대비하는 키워드는 '왕성한 실험정신'. 09:10 AM 김대리, 출근 후 복도를 지나가다 미주 지역 마케팅 담당 알렉스를 우연히 마주침. '언제 점심이나 하자'고 제안하려 함. Alex : Hi, Deputy Kim. Long time no see. How are things, staying busy as usual? Deputy Kim : Oh, Hi, Alex. So many things to do, so l..
하지 못함 2019.11.14(목), 2020학년도 수학능력시험일. 춥다. 하지 못함/ won't be able to * We won't be able to get to the airport in time. * I won't be able to join you for lunch tomorrow. * We won't be able to meet before I go. * Tom won't be able to buy the car he wanted. * They won't be able to play without a ball. * Kids won't be able to study with the TV on. * You won't be able to hear if you wear earbuds. (이어폰) * She ..
강한 추측 2019.11.14(목), 2020학년도 수능시험일. 춥다. 그리고 미세먼지는 좋다. 추워서 미세먼지가 좋은건지, 수능시험일이라 배출을 자제한 건지. 강한 추측/ can't be * What they said about him can't be true. * The junk food he eats every day can't be good. * The number you gave me can't be right. * Lifting weights every day can't be safe. * Not saving for the future can't be smart. * A first-class ticket can't be cheap. * The claims he made can't be legitimate..